martes, 5 de enero de 2016

Lego Education WeDo 2.0

 Lego Educatio presenta la nueva versión de lego WeDo 2.0 . Prototipos autonomos con comunicación por bluetooth.

Por  Frederic Lardinois

"LEGO Education is launching a new version of its WeDo robotics kit for elementary school students at CES today. Just like its predecessor, WeDo 2.0 is meant to introduce students to robotics, engineering and programming, but it’s also meant as a tool for teaching STEM in general.
The set will come with a number of Lego bricks, but most importantly, it includes a Bluetooth Low Energy-based hub that connects to a motor, as well as motion and tilt sensors that are all part of the basic package. On the software side, WeGo uses a drag-and-drop interface for writing basic applications" that can connect to the hub and its sensors"

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